Friday, December 30, 2011


Not to be negative or anything..... bur I truly believe my generation is truly fucked. Its not "cool" to be involved in politics so no one worries about it. What people my age do know about politics comes from mainstream media like FOX or CNN. Big media is an absolute joke, have you heard about the NDAA or SOPA bills? Do you even know what they are? If you don't know what the NDAA is I'm goanna ask you to go on Google news and type it in. Crazy shit huh? Does it not piss you off in the slightest that something that big is getting no media coverage? If you want to be politically savvy you have to do your own research. I have a mohawk, I must be all about anarchy right? In theory true anarchy (people getting along fine with no rules and everyone is an equal) is such an amazingly perfect concept but its not realistic. I am much more concerned with the political systems that I am forced to deal with in the real world that actually apply to me. I used to consider myself a Liberal and support President Obama. I truly don't agree with our current president or most of the GOP candidates that are running against him. In my opinion Ron Paul is the best choice out of anyone right now and I hope to see him win the primaries and clench the GOP nomination. Here are my own political views.
* Absolutely no religious influences on politics
*let people make their own decisions on gay marriage and abortion, its none of the governments fucking buisness to tell anyone what to do with their personal lives.
*legalize pot. I really don't smoke anymore but the money we spend on prisoners for pot alone is ridiculous!
*Stop policing the world. We look like a bunch of assholes and everyone hates us.
*Absolute freedom of speech, press, and religion.
As long as your not harming other people with your views your golden in my book. We all have different positions and I respect that.


  1. I say get rid of the institution of marriage altogether, that way there's no "sanctity of marriage" to fight over and people can get on with their fuckin lives..

  2. Oi never really thought about that. If you truly "love" someone enough to get married a binding legal document has no role.
