Saturday, December 31, 2011

Body modification

   When people hear the term body modification they typically think of two things: tattoos and piercings. In reality body modification is wearing make-up, growing your hair a certain way, bodybuilding, plastic surgery, or really anything that makes you feel comfortable in your body. I hate how tattoos and piercings have such a taboo reputation with employers. Is a nurse with a fore arm tattoo going to be less capable of performing his/her job? That guy who takes your order at McDonalds sure is goanna do a shitty job with earrings in. But the hostess at chili's with the fake tits is A ok. The whole idea is ridiculous. I guess it all ties in with my "leave me alone, I'll leave you the hell alone" attitude. I'm lucky I do construction and that the guy I work for is pretty cool because I would be FUCKED if I had to find a normal job.

Modifications I have:
*septum piercing
*tongue piercing
*lip piercing
*left/right nipple
*dick piercing
*a tattoo across my back/shoulders that reads "those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"
*ffdp album artwork tattoo on my right arm
*Gemini skull tattoo (my twin brother and I got matching skulls) on my right bicep
*sexy chick stabbing a dudes head tattoo on my left arm.

Modifications I want:
*countless tattoos
*I want to try flesh suspension terribly bad
*nose bridge piercing.

Friday, December 30, 2011

My grammar

Please excuse it lol.


If your too thick headed to listen to what I have to say here go ahead and stop reading now. If your open minded enough to consider someone else's logic congratulations you just gained some Brownie points with me.

First off I'm not tryong to push my views on you and I would appreciate it if I got the same treatment. I absolutely do not judge anyone on religious views. If your religious I am no more right than you are we just have different opinions on things. Opinions are like assholes everyone has them and they all stink. My problems witj the Bible are simple, I'm scientifically based. Back in the day if you said the earth was round or that our solar system wasn't geocentric you were excommunicated by the church. Religion is the single biggest hinderance to us as a species. Look at evolution and the creation of our universe we can't even teach this stuff in schools without people having a bitch fit. My other problem is with the way women are treated. During the crucifixion none of the apostles went, Mary did. Mary (being a firsthand witness!) Wrote a book but it wasn't included in the bible. Why? Because women should be illiterate. Fuck that. Look at the Egyptians they held women in high regards, older religions like the Greeks and Romans had female gods. Why in the hell are women illiterate slaves to men in the Bible? I chose a long time ago to accept athiesm and I don't think it has made me any less of a decent person. I'm kind and I have a set of human morals. I don't care if your a Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Muslim, agnostic, scientoligist, morman, or anything we are all human and we are all equal stop all the fucking hate and "I'm right your wrong" bullshit and get along. On a side note stop hating on the gays, let them be. If your not ok with it let your God deal with them. No need to be a religious vigilante.


Not to be negative or anything..... bur I truly believe my generation is truly fucked. Its not "cool" to be involved in politics so no one worries about it. What people my age do know about politics comes from mainstream media like FOX or CNN. Big media is an absolute joke, have you heard about the NDAA or SOPA bills? Do you even know what they are? If you don't know what the NDAA is I'm goanna ask you to go on Google news and type it in. Crazy shit huh? Does it not piss you off in the slightest that something that big is getting no media coverage? If you want to be politically savvy you have to do your own research. I have a mohawk, I must be all about anarchy right? In theory true anarchy (people getting along fine with no rules and everyone is an equal) is such an amazingly perfect concept but its not realistic. I am much more concerned with the political systems that I am forced to deal with in the real world that actually apply to me. I used to consider myself a Liberal and support President Obama. I truly don't agree with our current president or most of the GOP candidates that are running against him. In my opinion Ron Paul is the best choice out of anyone right now and I hope to see him win the primaries and clench the GOP nomination. Here are my own political views.
* Absolutely no religious influences on politics
*let people make their own decisions on gay marriage and abortion, its none of the governments fucking buisness to tell anyone what to do with their personal lives.
*legalize pot. I really don't smoke anymore but the money we spend on prisoners for pot alone is ridiculous!
*Stop policing the world. We look like a bunch of assholes and everyone hates us.
*Absolute freedom of speech, press, and religion.
As long as your not harming other people with your views your golden in my book. We all have different positions and I respect that.

Whats on my mind

<p>I remember when I was really young.I heard a fact that blew my mind. I was watching Cosmos, a TV series by the physicist&nbsp; Carl Sagen. Sagen said that in our one galaxy there are more stars then there are grains of sand on every beach in the world. Try and wrap your mind around that insane number. When I heard that it opened a door for me. I had an insatiable appetite for knowledge. I.started looking into things far comprehension level just for the sake of knowing it. A lot of people would be surprised to hear that I read pretty often. The enjoyment I can get out of a book is a lot greater than anything I could get out of TV. While I'm on the subject of TV it pisses me off that people like the idiots on Jersey Shore are peoples role models, so many teenagers watch that shit religiously and get involved with it. I think of more people looked at intellectuals like Stephen Hawking or Carl Sagen we would be in better shape. Go out and learn shit, take iniative to know everything you possibly can even if it seems like you'll never need it. The more you know the better off you are.