When people hear the term body modification they typically think of two things: tattoos and piercings. In reality body modification is wearing make-up, growing your hair a certain way, bodybuilding, plastic surgery, or really anything that makes you feel comfortable in your body. I hate how tattoos and piercings have such a taboo reputation with employers. Is a nurse with a fore arm tattoo going to be less capable of performing his/her job? That guy who takes your order at McDonalds sure is goanna do a shitty job with earrings in. But the hostess at chili's with the fake tits is A ok. The whole idea is ridiculous. I guess it all ties in with my "leave me alone, I'll leave you the hell alone" attitude. I'm lucky I do construction and that the guy I work for is pretty cool because I would be FUCKED if I had to find a normal job.
Modifications I have:
*septum piercing
*tongue piercing
*lip piercing
*left/right nipple
*dick piercing
*a tattoo across my back/shoulders that reads "those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"
*ffdp album artwork tattoo on my right arm
*Gemini skull tattoo (my twin brother and I got matching skulls) on my right bicep
*sexy chick stabbing a dudes head tattoo on my left arm.
Modifications I want:
*countless tattoos
*I want to try flesh suspension terribly bad
*nose bridge piercing.